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Soulfood Namibia

SN_groupSoulfood Namibia is a support association for community development projects in Ovamboland in Namibia. Our local partner organization "Mwakotoka Community Development Project" is in charge of planning and implementing all of the projects we support. The collaboration arose from a personal friendship between our board members. As a non-profit association, we are able to apply for funds for non-profit purposes from public bodies and to collect private donations. We want to structurally improve access to drinking water, basic medical care and educational opportunities for the people in Oluundje.



Our Principles

The term "development cooperation" is increasingly replacing the previously used term "development aid". We don't want to dwell on terminology, we want to take action, because we are convinced that only the concept of cooperation can lead to success. In concrete terms, this means that motivation, ideas and implementation must arise and take place on site. We only contribute to the success of this process with the means at our disposal.

Mwakotoka Health Project

    Rev. Josef  Shitaleni
    Mr Hofeni Shayuka

    Mr Isak Hamatwi
    Mrs Perpetua Sheyavali

    Mr Martin Shigwedha
    Ms Christine David

Project Planner
    Dr Andreas Niikondo
    Mr Fredrik H. Nakanwe

Project Advisor
    Mrs Josefina P. Iipinge-Shitaleni
    Mr Hansa Nembodi
    Rev. Willem Hainane

Community Mobiliser
    Mrs Wilhemina Haipy
    Mr Tomas Sheyavali

The Oluundje Community in May 2014


Exhumba Garden

Entrepreneurs/initiators: Memory and Epafras Haihambo, Namibia
Partner and Advisor: Johannes (Temapo) Negongo from NOA, Namibia
Support from Germany: Class 11 (year 2012) of the FWS in Prenzlauer Berg,
Berlin, together with her teachers Erasmus Spitta and Mercedes Castaneira, as well as Esther Knoblich.